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Re: [idn] URL encoding in html page

David Leung (Neteka Inc.) <david@neteka.com> wrote:

> That's right if ACE is such a good "compression and encoding" scheme
> Unicode, I think Unicode consortium should adopts it as the new UTF-P
> UTF:-P, if they already have UTF8 that is widely use nowadays and also
> be more use in the future, why not use UTF8 as a long term, and
> the wheel now.

Punycode is not the invention of Unicode, despite the name.  Unicode
already has a perfectly good Standard Compression Scheme (see
http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr6/).  But it uses non-ASCII
bytes, and so SCSU-encoded domain names would probably not pass cleanly
in a world that expects ASCII-only, any more than UTF-8 would.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California