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Re: "Last Look" at the RADIUS Design Guidelines document

On Jan 22, 2010, at 5:53 PM, Avi Lior wrote:

The tone of your responses is what I find offensive....

I think that the participants in this discussion are effectively at an impasse, that is to say they are talking past each other, attempting to make and re-make their points without actually listening to others.  That causes patience to fray and the tone to become "edgy".  Let's try to dial this down a little.

One would start wondering what is the purpose of your posts...

I think there may be multiple agendas to "protect" something, and as is sadly too often the case in standards body debates, the purpose of the debate is to "win", not to edify.

... the chairs and AD are obviously happy with this...

I see no evidence that the chairs or AD are *happy* about this.   Bernard has already issued a tongue-in-cheek remark about the "frankness" of the discussion.  That was a polite hint.

...I take you to the BAD email discussion with Glen.

Exactly why are you attempting to drag poor Glen into this debate?  :-)