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Re: [idn] a few more comments on the last call documents

Kent Karlsson <kentk@md.chalmers.se> wrote:

> In the UTR 17 model, Punycode is a "Transfer Encoding Syntax" (TES),
> A few other things are TESes: UTF-7, MIME/QP, MIME/BASE64, GB/HZ, and
> also the syntaxes \uhhhh of Java/C and &#xhhhhh; of XML.
> I would not simply refer to Punycode as an "encoding", as to many that
> would suggest that it was a Character Encoding Scheme or Character
> Encoding Form.

Would other Unicode experts concur that the title of the Punycode draft
should call it a transfer encoding syntax?  Or if it doesn't really fit
into the model at all, should it use a vague term like "transformation"
rather than "encoding"?

> > sometimes [copy/paste] just retrieves a string from the GUI
> > corresponding to exactly what is displayed.
> Any such system/application is SEVERELY FLAWED.

Probably true, but unfortunately it's also quite common.  It's the norm
for X Windows applications.  X is severely flawed in many ways.