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Re: 6to4 public anycast relay considered a bad think (was Re: 6to4 connectivity test)

On 2/1/08 4:55 PM, "Jeroen Massar" <jeroen@unfix.org> wrote:

> Instead of trying to "fix" 6to4, which also has this rather annoying
> issue called NAT which it can't 1,2,3 bypass, why not simply push Teredo
> forward which has all these points resolved already?

The Teredo model, actually from our observation with available code from its
major source, is that both end need to have it configured to enable a
reliable connection.

We tried with an open Teredo relay, and packets went sometimes to Korea,
sometimes nowhere.

In other words, this is fine to get IPv6 working between 2 PCs in different
homes separated by NAT boxes, but this is not usable to access a regular
IPv6 server on the Internet **UNLESS** that server also deploys Teredo...

So, going that route, if an IPv6 server wants to offer reliable service to
customers, it might have to be configured with:
- a regular global IPv6 address to serve regular IPv6 native customers
- a 6to4 address to serve 6to4 customers and avoid open relays
- a Teredo address to serve PC behind NAT box that uses Teredo

IMHO, this makes the deployment model of new servers a bit complex...

   - Alain.