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Re: Final call for consensus poll for IANA #409959 NAS-Port-Type value request


>> Which is, BTW, extremely similar to how I solved the problem for me. I
>> defined a VSA "RESTENA-Service-Type" (string) and put things like "IMAP"
>> into it.
> What else was in the request message?  Was there an instance of
> Service-Type, and if so what was it's value?

The requests were generated by a pam_radius_auth module, which sends
Service-Type = Authenticate-Only.

That module doesn't even send VSA's, so I had to trick like "if the
sending client was IP adress x.y.z.a, add RESTENA-Service-Type = IMAP
prior to further processing". And there I was lucky that this IP address
has only *one* process that uses RADIUS. Well, standard ugly hacks.

> I see the argument for using Service-Type for this application.  OTOH,
> there are two minor issues with that path: (a) allocation requires
> IETF Consensus, and (b) it tends to clutter up what's currently a
> concise list of options.

That's true (and that's why I just took a VSA and went my merry way). Of
course, having an IETF-allocated string attribute of sorts
"Extended-Service-Type-Info" that people could fill with whatever is
needed inside their AAA infrastructure would be not so bad. Better than
cluttering Service-Type with hundreds(?) of possible RADIUS-speaking
applications IMHO; where the list would be necessarily incomplete.


Stefan Winter

> Regards,
> Dave
> David B. Nelson
> Sr. Software Architect
> Elbrys Networks, Inc.
> www.elbrys.com
> +1.603.570.2636

Ingenieur de Recherche
Fondation RESTENA - Réseau Téléinformatique de l'Education Nationale et de la Recherche
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L-1359 Luxembourg

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