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Re: [idn] Determining equivalence in Unicode DNS names

--On 2002-01-28 21.23 +0000 "Adam M. Costello"
<idn.amc+0@nicemice.net.RemoveThisWord> wrote:

> Patrik Fältström <paf@cisco.com> wrote:
>> The servers need to have exactly the same rules.
> Do you not agree that an authoritative server can use whatever
> method/rules it likes to decide authoritative answers to queries?

We talked about the rules which define "equivalence", and they need to be
the same.

If the content of a RR-Set is changing over time, that is fine. But, as
soon as the RR-Set is changing, it needs to be resigned.

The important thing is that if a server sends out an RR-Set, that set needs
to stay complete when it sits in a caching server.
