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RE: 6to4 anycast IP as source address / PTR record

> > Only the host-based 6to4 approach has gained measurable deployment,
> > which leads me to think that we should focus on that in the
> > specifications.
> <http://www.apple.com/airportextreme/specs.html>
> The 6to4 router function is turned on by default in these products
> (currently).  I'm confident in saying that deployment of these boxes
> is measurable.  I've seen the measurements.

OK. So, what would we changed in 6to4 if we optimized for host-based or CPE-based deployment? Do we trust that we will get enough 6to4 gateways deployed to sustain growth, or do we need to add a "gateway discovery service" similar to the Teredo spec?

-- Christian Huitema