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Re: Methods, Inheritance, Exceptions, etc. (was: Re: Methods in SMIng ?)

> >>>>> Andrea Westerinen writes:
> Andrea> For examples of what I meant (again, maybe not the right term
> Andrea> "method" vs "procedure") and how to map this are in RFC2925.
> You did not respond to my question. I know several MIBs that would
> have been much simpler if we were able to define methods - no doubt
> about that. RFC 2925 is certainly one of them. (I am also missing the
> method signatures that RFC2925 actually implements.)
> The pure fact that we did work around the lack of methods in several
> special purpose MIBs does IMHO not prove that we know an effective
> mechanism to map _generic_ SMI method signatures to the SNMP protocol
> operations.
> I am looking for someone who shows a concrete proposal how a generic
> method signature maps to our current set of SNMP protocol operations.
> /js
Juergen, it is because I think there is not a decent map for methods in
the protocol operations, that I suggested that  without coordination
with EOS, an effort here on mehtods would be sub-optimal.


Jon Saperia		     saperia@jdscons.com
			     Phone: 617-744-1079
			     Fax:   617-249-0874