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Re: [idn] draft-klensin-dns-role-00.txt and the author's presentation

As I mention during the meeting, John's proposal has a wider impact then just

I agreed with John's that we have lost the short-term 'war'. However, because
the WG was first formed to do requirements analysis and extend to do protocol
only recently, I guess it is kind of expected.

My worries is that such radical solution would push the long-term solution to
a VERY long-term solution, once again, bringing chaos longer. There is always
a fine balance of doing the right thing and doing the right thing given time

Personally, I think DNS is due for a major revamp but I am not sure this WG is
the right one to do it. However, it would be nice to hear what others think in
this respect.

It is probably too premature to second guess what DNS-next-generation would
look like but I have some wishlist:

a) A consideration for Internationalization/Localization (better than IDN)

b) A consideration for Security (better than DNSSEC)

c) Lets go for a truely distributed structure with no centralized registry
   model. No place to have control or politics (lets all give ICANN a break),
   but no place for monopoly either. This is more of a architecture change
   rather than protocol tho.

-James "speaking for myself" Seng

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hideyo Imazu" <hideyo.imazu@msdw.com>
To: <idn@ops.ietf.org>; <klensin@jck.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 2:15 AM
Subject: [idn] draft-klensin-dns-role-00.txt and the author's presentation

> Hi.
> I observed John Klensin's presentation at the Monday slot of IDN in the
> IETF meeting.  I also read through the IETF Draft.
> I agree the points made in John's presentation and I-D.  At the same
> time, I think it's obviously about locating resources on the Internet
> in general including web page addresses (which may or may not be
> URL/URI currently used/discussed) and email addresses.  His points are
> all relevant even if we use only ASCII characters.  There is no doubt
> it's related to IDN, but it has much broader scope.  This is implied by
> the title of the I-D though.
> Having said that, my interpretation of his presentation is "now is the
> time to rethink and overhaul the current resource locating schemes in
> which DNS has the central role."  After the overhaul we might end up
> having a next generation DNS with directory like feature or some
> hierarchical directory scheme with an innovative design concept.  Or we
> might introduce a generic resource locating layer between application
> and DNS.  All Internet applications including web and email would
> eventually be based on the new resource locating scheme.
> John, is this what you really mean?  Do you have any particular plan to
> form a BOF or WG for it?  What other IDN folks think?
> Regards,
> Hideyo Imazu.