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Re: [idn] NSI Multilingual Testbed Information (fwd)

% 	There are several ways to provide "multilingual" capabilities
% 	and many TLD registrars have selected a methodology. Why
% 	pick on this one when NU, CN, JP, KR, et.al. have followed
% 	similar paths.  Just because a method is not an IETF 
% 	"approved technical specification" does not mean that it
% 	is not defined.
% --bill
% All the TLD registrars agree that IETF is the best place to define
% IDN standard, at least I know CN, JP, KR and TW agree to adopt
% IETF specification when things are available. Even the technology which
% developed by the TLD registrars is changing. From TLD registrars'
% point of view, they are exploring the IDN possibility  through limited
% resources, budge...etc,. It's difficult to say whether this kind of 
% exploration has defined the technology. 
% Kenny Huang

	True. All the TLD registrars agree that the IETF is the best
	place to define IDN stanards.  In the absence of an IETF
	standard, each of you have a defined "standard" on how you
	implement IDN capabilities, even as the methodologies change. 
	One would expect that if/when the working group reaches 
	agreement, that the IESG/IAB will move quickly to ratify the 
	wg results. I expect then, that ALL implementors will move to 
	harmonize their implementations to the newly minted IETF 
	proposed standard... including NSI.
