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Re: The leftovers

Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
> I don't understand what is supposed to go in this section. We have all
> the requirements above.

I think there might be some very specific requirements on how gethostbyname()
might want to behave. Or how the clients should treat the multilingual
characters, how it is encoded in packets, how it hits the wire, and how it is
received by the servers etc. I dont think we have any such very specific
requirement yet but I am just putting down as suggested by Martin.

> 5. Security Considerations
>      This memo raises no security issues;
> That's not an acceptable security considerations section. I propose
> changing this to "Specifying requirements for internationalized domain
> names does not itself raise any security issues. However, any change
> to the DNS will certainly affect the security of any protocol that
> relies on the DNS or on DNS names. A thorough evaluation of those
> protocols for security concerns will be needed when they are developed."

I believe the requirement document do not raise any security issues :-) It is
the second Informational RFC, ie the documentations of the implementation
which might raise any security issues.

-James Seng