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Re: Matching and comparison

Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
> I think you are trying to mandate case-insensitivity here. That's good
> in theory and bad in practice for international characters. There are
> examples of letters whose case conversion are different for different
> written languages. If we want to require case-insensitivity, we
> have to point to a single conversion table for all characters.

Preciesly why we need to discuss this further. I am sure there are people who
has different view on case sensitivity. It can get very religous. 

>      If a canonicalisation algorithm is proposed, the algorithm must be
>      easily upgradable as new languages/writing systems are added.
> I disagree. We can't have a moving target for canonicalization. It must
> be fixed *before* any internationalization of the DNS occurs.

But canonicalisation is a on going process, unless you can define a
caonicalisation which is flexible enough to handle every languages already
known to the computer world and in future.

-James Seng