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Re: [idn] length restrictions on IDN label

Mark.Andrews@isc.org wrote:

>>The restriction orginated from RFC1035 affects all  label 
>>And "octet(ToASCII(X)) <= 63" seems to loosen the restrictions about
>>8bit labels. That is why i think RFC1035 restriction is about to be 
>	There is nothing new with the number of octets in presentation
>	form being greater those presented on the wire.  In RFC
>	1034 0x00 is presented as "\000", 0x5c as "\\" or  "\093",
>	0x2e as "\." or "\046".
UTF8-form of a label may be used as protocol elements , in addition to
presentation forms.
In the latter case, there will be no problem as you said above: just
display it.

But, in the former case of being used as protocols elements, utf8-form
label length limit is
of our concern. IDNA drafts does not rule out that utf-8 form of labels
may be used as protocol
elements. This will clairfy my point.


Soobok Lee