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Re: [idn] length restrictions on IDN label

U+AC00 x 56 times (in my previous posting) is a valid label conforming to RFC1035 ?
and its equivalent ACE label (of 63 octets ) is a valid label ?

UTF8-encoded IDN labels are not governed by RFC1035 length restrictions ?
IDNA contains brand new length restrictions for 8bit labels which obsoletes RFC1035 ?

Soobok Lee

Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:

At 10:54 AM +0900 10/14/02, Soobok Lee wrote:

On Sun, Oct 13, 2002 at 09:39:42AM -0700, Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
 > It seems likely that most implementers can understand that they must

 continue to follow the same rules that they always have for the
> length of domain names and labels.

The unit of length restriction matters: # of code points or # of octets ?
That should be made clearer. RFC1035 uses "octets", not a character/code point.

Exactly right. It seems like you have answered your own question!

In case I'm missing something, where in any of the IDN documents does it indicate that the length restrictions are in number of code points instead of number of octets?

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium