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Re: [idn] Document Status?

> The current specification has not made at least one essential, difficult 
> decision.  As a consequence, someone registering an IDN for use with email 
> or the web cannot know the correct set of characters available to them.

Which text in the specification are you referring to?
I need specifics to understand your issue.

The only text I recall which has some bearing on this is:
  It is expected that some name-handling bodies, such as large
  zone administrators and groups of affiliated zone administrators, will
  want to limit the characters allowed in IDNs further than what is
  specified in this document, such as to prohibit additional characters
  that they feel are unneeded or harmful in registered domain names.

I don't see how registries limiting the set of Unicode code points
that can be used in a part of the name space has any negative impact on 
interoperability; registries limit the types of names for various policy
reasons already (such as only allowing registered companies in some
parts of the name space) without any adverse effect on interoperability.
