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Re: implications of 6to4 for v6coex

On 17/09/2008, at 1:39 PM, Joe Abley wrote:

On 16 Sep 2008, at 20:43, james woodyatt wrote:

Won't somebody from a service provider *please* step up and explain why they cannot and/or will not deploy 6to4 relay routers for the use of their subscribers as the standards track documents currently describe them? The continuing silence from the operations community on this topic is very troubling, but I suppose it's possible everyone is still enjoying their copious allotment of holiday time.

Perhaps you're asking the wrong question. Perhaps there's no reason for any operator not to deploy a 6to4 relay for use of their customers; perhaps the problem instead is that there is no clear reason in the eyes of those operators to bother.

Does it make the helpdesk phone ring less? Will it cause an average ISP to win more customers this month? I suspect the pragmatic answer to both is no.

Oh! This is my cue.

Does it cause less traffic to go off-net and then back on, when it's going between two users on your network? Yes. Ie. the provider is paying for traffic to leave, and then paying for it to come back - paying twice when they should only be paying 0 times.

Bit torrent is using 6to4 now, and it's growing. uTorrent 1.8 supports Teredo as of a month ago.

This stuff is all in here, note that the numbers are a bit misleading because I didn't have a full understanding of how DHT and stuff worked, but they are still formidable:

Here is a graph of the CSC/FUNET Teredo and 6to4 relay. The bottom of that slope mid August is when uTorrent 1.8 came out.

Yep, that's 10 x growth since a month ago. About 70x growth since a year ago.

Not that currently, uTorrent only gets IPv6 peer addresses using peer exchange. It does not get them with DHT, and very few trackers support the BPE0007 Bittorrent extension for IPv6 support. Based on that, that 6to4/Teredo/IPv6 traffic is going to increase, lots, as soon as uTorrent gets DHT with IPv6, and trackers start to support it.

Nathan Ward