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Re: New (-02) version of IPv6 CPE Router draft is available for review

Le mardi 22 juillet 2008 17:56:45 Alain Durand, vous avez écrit :
> I have no problem using ULA *in*the*absence*of* GUA. I understand that the
> network has to be workable in the absence of upstream connectivity.
> What I'd like to see is ULA being renumbered into GUA as soon as those
> becomes available.
> Brian is suggesting to have a mode where the user may also want to keep the
> ULA *after* GUA are acquired, I'm fine with that as long as it is not the
> default config.

Renumbering break applications. Maybe ISPs don't care less about the user LAN 
working properly. But users and CPE vendors do care.

My IPv4 file shares, jobs-being-printed and UPnP AV streams don't break when 
my IPv4 NAT router gets the WAN interface (re)configured, because the LAN 
IPv4 address do not change through the process. That's one of the few merits 
of NAT. Like it or not, most LAN applications require/assume stable 
addresses. Hence *constant* ULA addresses are needed on the LAN side 
all_the_time *regardless* of the state and state changes on the WAN side.

Not only that, but I fail to see the problem with ULA. The extra complexity in 
supporting ULA on the CPE is a lot less than the extra complexity of 
rewriting all LAN applications and transport protocols (including TCP...) to 
handle unstable addresses.

Rémi Denis-Courmont