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New Version Notification for draft-jcurran-v6transitionplan-03

In preparation for RFC submission, an updated version of this
Internet-Draft was submitted to the IETF repository.  The
Change History from -02 to -03 is as follows:

 o  Revise Introduction to provide additional motivation language.

 o  Revise Introduction and requirements language preface to better
    clarify use of RFC 2119 style terminology.

 o  Clarify need for IPv6-capable infrastructure rather than simply
    servers in final phase.

 o  Correct misc typos and capitalization errors.

 o  Updated Acknowledgements section appropriately.



>From: IETF I-D Submission Tool <idsubmission@ietf.org>
>To: jcurran@istaff.org
>Subject: New Version Notification for draft-jcurran-v6transitionplan-03
>Date: Sun, 18 May 2008 20:44:59 -0700 (PDT)
>A new version of I-D, draft-jcurran-v6transitionplan-03.txt has been successfuly submitted by John Curran and posted to the IETF repository.
>Filename:	 draft-jcurran-v6transitionplan
>Revision:	 03
>Title:		 An Internet Transition Plan
>Creation_date:	 2008-05-19
>WG ID:		 Independent Submission
>Number_of_pages: 8
>This memo provides one possible plan for transitioning the Internet
>  from a predominantly IPv4-based connectivity model to a predominantly
>  IPv6-based connectivity model.
>The IETF Secretariat.