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Re: Discussion of the Home/SOHO environment

On Sun, 6 Jan 2008, Brian E Carpenter wrote:

> > NAT boxes... radvd works very well.  At best the CPE should be
> > providing v6, perhaps making a bridge interface to the v6 router in the
> > NOC upstream.
> I agree, but that requires the CPE vendors and the ISPs to accept
> a common scenario. Maybe we should propose one...

Now that sounds like a great idea.  Show them the map and lead them to
where X marks the spot.  CPE vendors... not so tough, I think.
Cisco is making the mass majority of those deployed anyway, correct?  If
they implement, everyone else will likely do the same to keep up with the
Jones'.  ISPs... They will likely want a mechanism to monetize v6 address
space like they did at $10 each with v4.  I'll wager they will play ball
if that possibility is evident to them.
