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Re: IPv6 broadband provisioning

On Wed, 2 Jan 2008 19:51:58 +0100 (CET)
Mikael Abrahamsson <swmike@swm.pp.se> wrote:

> On Thu, 3 Jan 2008, Mark Smith wrote:
> > It's also common for CPE to run a caching DNS servers and NTP
> > peers these days, which the downstream devices can use, so they'd break
> > too.
> No, the CPE would use a loopback address for sourcing packets destined to 
> the outside (or it's LAN adress).
> > I understand the motive for the suggestion, however I don't really see
> > how it couldn't be more trouble than it's worth. A ULA prefix on that
> > upstream link would address some of the issues, but not all of them.
> > I think to provide global Internet access you really need to ensure a
> > fully globally addressed path to and from the Internet.
> So you think that "ip unnumbered loopback0" in IPv4 is really weird to 
> have on WAN interface? It's basically the same thing.

Hmm, I've been influenced by my environment.

My environment is a Ethernet / DSL environment. I've been imagining
deploying IPv6 in the N:1 model that's been mentioned earlier, so all
CPE WAN interfaces within e.g. an exchange, are all sitting as nodes on
the same /64. The N:1 model is attractive of course because at a
minimum it avoids all the (pseudo in the case of ethernet) point to
point "WAN" links, and the question of whether to assign global /64s to
the them or not .. the question that's being asked :-) 
