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One question about topology change in optical networks

Hi, all:
  I need some kind advice and help in Optical Traffic Engineering. 

  In MPLmS Traffic Engineering, underlying resource can be adjusted 
so as to allow providers to change a network topology in response 
to changing traffic patterns. In this case routers or other devices 
that need to interoperate are connected in many ways. It's a bit 
like a highway system where you can add and remove roads at will.
  My question is, has this approach been deployed in ISPs or has any
R&D been conducted on this? Where could I find some articles about
related algorithms and methods?
  Thank you very much .


    Haisang Wu 
    CERNET Center      Central Mainbuilding     
    Tsinghua University  Beijing  100084  P.R.China 
    Tel: 86-10-62785814-525(O) 
    Email: hswu@ieee.org