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Re: shim - transport/app communication

On Sat, 19 Mar 2005, Baker Fred wrote:

> On Mar 16, 2005, at 2:31 AM, Jeroen Massar wrote:
> > the only thing an application should depend on here is that it
> > supports IPv6 addresses
> If I could make a humble request here...
> Could we please manage to avoid the worst of the layering faults we
> committed in the IPv4 Internet? The thing that has made NAT hard and
> made applications break crossing a NAT was that the applications know
> something about addresses. Let's not do that with IPv6 applications.
> Applications should know about names and APIs, period. They should open
> a socket-or-whatever to a name, and accept that the service underneath
> gets them to an instantiation of it.

Maybe you are referring something similar to this:


or the longer version:


(but then you actually need to modify applications, which I think you
don't want to do in the multi6 working group)

Miika Komu              miika@iki.fi          http://www.iki.fi/miika/