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Re: XMLCONF usage guidelines are flaw


I would contend that not using attributes requires even more state to be retained
before you can do semantic processing.  For example, you can not  identify the
instance of the element that is meant until you scan the children to find the elements
that comprise the key.

And since the parser cannot enforce the uniqueness of these key fields without
a schema, you are now forced to do an expensive schema-based validation of the
document before you even see the elements, or you are required to
scan all of the children of the element to verify the uniqueness of the key fields
before you can do any processing of the element.

Expensive.  Wasteful.  Unnecessary.


Scott Lawrence wrote:
Larry Menten <lmenten@lucent.com> writes:

I have examined the guidelines provided in the
Enns XMLCONF draft and I believe they
impose to great a cost on the processing of the
XML configuration content.  In particular, the
statement "attributes should contain metadata
about the element, not true data."  I believe that this
is a misapplication of XML that results in a cumbersome
representation that is costly to process.  This in turn
results in greater development cost and greater cost
of device resource.

Using attributes requires more state be kept in the parser prior to
being able to do any semantic evaluation, making it more memory
intensive to do incremental processing.  This is primarily because you
can't know what the names are in an element start or empty element tag
until you've reached the closing '>', because namespace attributes can
change what the names mean.


Larry Menten               Lucent Technologies/Bell Laboratories
Phone: 908 582-4467        600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ  07974 USA