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Re: Inputting mixed SC/TC (Re: [idn] A question...)

Mr. Deng,

> Hi James,
> Maybe you not realize that your following input Chinese string 
> is  TC/SC mixed: 
> the simplified is "只显示BIG5字集"
> <u+53ea u+663e u+793a u+0042 u+0049 u+0047 u+0035 u+5b57 u+96c6>
> the traditional is "隻顯示BIG5字集"
> <u+96bb u+986f u+793a u+0042 u+0049 u+0047 u+0035 u+5b57 u+96c6>
> your input is "只顯示BIG5字集"
> <u+53ea u+986f u+793a u+0042 u+0049 u+0047 u+0035 u+5b57 u+96c6>

And perhaps *you* do not realize that U+53EA zhi3 is *also* a
traditional character, and that it contrasts in proper usage
with U+96BB zhi3, and that a normal *traditional* representation
of zhi3xian4 "Only show..." would be U+53EA U+986F.

U+53EA is also one of the 1-n simplifications that screw up the
SC/TC mapping in any case. In PRC orthography, it is not only the
simplification of U+96BB, but also the simplification for U+7947
(and U+7957), which is the proper adverbial particle for "only, merely".

> And, do you mean User will set a cofiguration to forbiden himself to use 
> his familiar character?

U+53EA *is* in Big-5. 0xA575. Do your homework.

This kind of intentionally misleading example and campaign of
ad hominem argumentation directed at the chair is getting
truly tiresome.
