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Re: [idn] I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-idn-lace-00.txt


From: Paul Hoffman / IMC <phoffman@imc.org>
Subject: Re: [idn] I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-idn-lace-00.txt
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 18:27:51 -0800

> >Would you please explain explicitly who are we?
> "We" are everyone in this working group.

Thank you.

> >  Some registries
> >including JPNIC are starting multilingual domain name testbed.
> I hope you are doing so in a more controlled fashion than VeriSign 
> is. :-) It is good to hear that you are doing some testing; please be 
> sure that any results you find are reported back to the group.

Yes, sure :-)

I'm trying to write I-D as a report of Japanese characters and
canonicalization rules of multilingual domain names according to
JPNIC's technical bylaws.

If I did it, I will report it at next IETF meeting.

> >  I
> >strongly recommend all ACEs, including tha same ACE with different
> >version, SHOULD have different identifieres.
> This can be done, but it should be done carefully so that we don't 
> re-use a name that is already in use by someone. If the group wants 
> to have a set of prefixes for different ACEs, such a list could be 
> prepared.

Yes, I agree with you. I'm also trying to write I-D of ACE identifier
definition process.

BTW, is it a bad idea to choose LACE identifier as ra-- or aq8, that
were obsoleted RACE identifiers for testing?

The name of LACE has a big problem for me. That is, I can't
recognize difference RACE and LACE in conversation X-(
Would you please pronounce RACE and LACE as "R" ACE and "L" ACE
respectively :-)

Yoshiro YONEYA <yone@po.ntts.co.jp>
           aka <yone@nic.ad.jp>