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RE: [idn] draft-ietf-idn-requirements-04.txt (revised copy)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Seng [mailto:James@Seng.cc]
> I would prefer not to go down a path where there is any discussing of
> "cultural" in the doc.

For a friendly "administrator UI", a list of IDNs should be sorted
in what is called "a culturally correct way" (which is locale
dependent, locale chosen by the administrator for him/her-self).
The same may hold for fuzzy searches done by administrators
or users that are looking for names.

> AFAIK, only DNSSEC need the names to be sorted, and even so, 
> it need not be in
> any particular order so long you can use it to determine if 
> there is any
> domain in between.

>From a pure "Internet protocol" point of view, you may be right.

However, for an administrator (or 'end user') UI, presenting 'sorted'
lists of IDNs, it is clearly unacceptable for most purposes not
to present a "culturally correctly" ordered list (except when
checking exactly what DNSSEC will see).  I think that is worth
pointing out.

If you just object to the term "culturally correct", but not
the concept, then please find another term for it.  That term
has worked fine up till now...

		/Kent Karlsson