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Re: [idn] NSI Multilingual Testbed Information (fwd)

% >         Why do you have that impression?
% because they appear to be inviting folks to become certified as
% 'multilingual registrars' before there are any approved
% technical specifications for IDNs (including limitations thereof)?
% because they give the impression of allowing/encouraging multiple 
% encodings for IDNs? 
% how can they claim to certify somebody's ability to do something 
% which isn't defined yet?
% Keith

	There are several ways to provide "multilingual" capabilities
	and many TLD registrars have selected a methodology. Why
	pick on this one when NU, CN, JP, KR, et.al. have followed
	similar paths.  Just because a method is not an IETF 
	"approved technical specification" does not mean that it
	is not defined.
