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[idn] Suggestion of REQ [2.5]

I suggest to delete the item [2.5] of REQ:

[2.5] The DNS service layer (the packet formats that go on the wire)
MUST NOT limit the codepoints that can be used. This interface SHOULD
NOT assign meaning to name strings; the application service layer,
where "gethostbyname" et al reside, MAY constrain the name strings to
be used in certain services. (conflict)

changes to

[2.5] The DNS service layer (the packet formats that go on the wire)
MUST NOT limit the codepoints that can be used.

Because in my eyes, in the name string, .cn or .jp has meaning too.

|                                 |
|  卢文哲                         |
|  中国互联网络信息中心 CNNIC     |
|  地址:中关村南4街4号。         |
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|  E-mail:lwz@cnnic.net.cn       |
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