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Re: [idn] Unicode tagging

> uniform byte-length characters are extremely beneficial to DNS

no.  what's important for DNS is that the comparison algorithm be
simple, and that there be a unique canonical representation of a name.
uniform length has nothing to do with it.

> But we also have to understand that domain names are no longer simple text
> commands over the internet... it is part of a company's brand and
> identity... We have the responsibility to let people have the names they
> really want... If a person decides to have a name that may be easily
> confused... it is their choice!  

that is complete and utter hogwash.  the function of DNS is to provide
a mapping from  easily-typed, easily-transcribed, and perhaps 
easily-remembered text strings onto information needed to locate Internet 
services.    DNS is specifically not intended as a representation of
a company's brand name or trademark, and to bend DNS in that way would
be to make DNS non-functional.
