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Re: [idn] Adding "optional" characters in draft-ietf-idn-nameprep

Paul Hoffman / IMC wrote:
> At 3:49 PM -0400 8/13/00, Keith Moore wrote:
> >2. the server realizes that there are multiple names which might
> >    match the one that the client typed in.  so it returns a list.
> >    in this case the client has to provide some mechansism that
> >    allows the user to choose.
> This forces a significant change in the way applications use the DNS
> (including expecting a person to be able to choose by context).  That
> seems pretty extreme for a problem where we have much simpler
> solutions.

I dont like the multiple names possibility idea. Basic feature of DNS is
that it is a 1-1 or N-1 mapping of names to a resource. Once you go from
1-N and N-N, you lose a lot of functionity including the ability to do
Email and consistency is names.

-James Seng