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[idn] Presentations & RFC2026


We receive several comments about the agenda regarding giving timeslot
to presenters who does not have an I-D. General feeling is "no I-D, no

The concern raised can be summaried as follows:

a) Without I-D, the proposal may be a moving target.

b) Without I-D, the presenter may not conform to RFC2026 wrt to IPR.

c) Without I-D, WG partipants may not know the topic in advance and
   hence we waste valuable face-time at IETF.

Marc & myself will discuss this further and will make a decision fairly
soon. However, in the meantime, I would recommend that all presenters
who does not have an I-D to

1) Try to send your prelimary I-D to mailing list ASAP. It is okay if
   it is not complete. You can send an update later.

2) Please state the IPR issues with your I-D/presentation. Please kindly 
   read RFC2026.

3) If you are discussing about an implementation, please try to focus
   on the proposal protocol and not on your own implementation.


-James "speaking as co-chair" Seng