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RE: [idn] Proposal for creation of new gTLD for IDN

Dear Mr. Jang,

I could get an idea from your method to convert multi-lingual domain name into one in ascii compatible format.

I'll describe my understanding about your scheme, if it missed some, please correct me.

For example, I typed 'ABC.COM' ('ABC.COM' is multi-lingual domain name in Korean) in the address text field of web browser to get there.
Then, the resolver will add .kr.icom. Finally it will be 'abc.com.kr.icom' ('abc.com' is converted one into ACE format with your algorithm) and will be transmitted to name servers.
This is '2ds96445y1a5.kr.icom' you said in your message following.
However, what I want to let my customer know to remember my location is 'ABC.COM', not 'abc.com.kr.icom'.

Getting back to your example.
When I make an HTML page, it could happen to insert my location like '0xb300/0xd55c/0xbbfc/0xad5d/.0xd68c/0xc0ac/' in Korean.
But if a Japanese visited my page and copied +ACY- pasted my location, then the resolver will convert it to some codes with Japanese converting method and add jp.icom.

OK, let's assume that the URL inserted in my HTML page is '2ds96445y1a5.kr.icom', but what we see through a web browser is '0xb300/0xd55c/0xbbfc/0xad5d/.0xd68c/0xc0ac/'.
(I think it's what you want to say in your message.)
I'm afraid that it could cause more changes than UTF-8 idn.

Thanks for your reading.

--- silee

+AD4- -----Original Message-----
+AD4- From: owner-idn+AEA-ops.ietf.org +AFs-mailto:owner-idn+AEA-ops.ietf.org+AF0-On Behalf
+AD4- Of Deuk-Kul Jang
+AD4- Sent: Saturday, July 08, 2000 9:52 AM
+AD4- To: silee+AEA-icu.ac.kr
+AD4- Cc: idn mailing list
+AD4- Subject: Re: +AFs-idn+AF0- Proposal for creation of new gTLD for IDN
+AD4- hallelujah    hallelujah    hallelujah
+AD4- Dear Mr. Lee.
+AD4- (In proposed method) Internationalized domain names are just the same with
+AD4- current US-ASCII domain names.
+AD4- Under only user interface those are international.
+AD4- Therefore, when you copy URL of example, then the name copied is not
+AD4- '0xb300/0xd55c/0xbbfc/0xad5d/.0xd68c/0xc0ac/' but
+AD4- '2ds96445y1a5.kr.icom'.
+AD4- sincerely yours.
+AD4- Deuk-Kul Jang
+AD4- -----+xtC8+A- +ulTC3MnA------
+AD4- +vPSwuA- +wKy3jA-: Seungik Lee +ADw-silee+AEA-icu.ac.kr+AD4-
+AD4- +vBuylA- +wKy3jA-: Deuk-Kul Jang +ADw-dkjang+AEA-smind.co.kr+AD4-
+AD4- +zDjIcA-: Idn Mailing List +ADw-idn+AEA-ops.ietf.org+AD4-
+AD4- +sKDJ3A-: 2000+sUQ- 7+xtQ- 7+x3w- +rgjGlMd8- +xiTIBA- 12:54
+AD4- +yBy6qQ-: RE: +AFs-idn+AF0- Proposal for creation of new gTLD for IDN
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-I'm a stranger here, and maybe I couldn't follow up all of the topics
+AD4- discussed here. Therefore, what I am saying could be duplicated one.
+AD4- +AD4-But excuse me that I comment on this topic at first.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-I think it's a great method for encoding multilingual domain name into a
+AD4- kind of ACE format.
+AD4- +AD4-We can apply this on locale-dependent case-folding or 
+AD4- recognizing the local
+AD4- character sets, - of course that it is already discussed - with a
+AD4- language-key.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-However, I am afraid that we cannot choose a +ACo-specific+ACo- 
+AD4- multilingual-key or
+AD4- +ACo-specific+ACo- language-keys that make no confusion with the original domain
+AD4- names.
+AD4- +AD4-Another one: If I copied +ACY- pasted some URLs from the other 
+AD4- locale systems,
+AD4- what could be happened? I am not sure, but I think it still adds a
+AD4- language-key of my own locale not the one of URL's.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-The new gTLDs or cc2LDs are already suggested and being on service by
+AD4- NUBIND, etc. I think it's not such a topic that idn wg focuses on.
+AD4- +AD4-If I had misunderstood your document, correct me. +ADs-)
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-----------------------------------------------------------
+AD4- +AD4-Lee Seung-ik, M.S. course student
+AD4- +AD4-Collaborative Distributed Systems +ACY- Network Lab.
+AD4- +AD4-ICU (Information +ACY- Communications University)
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-E-mail: silee+AEA-icu.ac.kr
+AD4- +AD4-Address: 58-4 Whaam-dong Yuseong-gu Taejon, 305-348 Korea
+AD4- +AD4-Tel. +ACM-: 42-866-6163 (office), 42-866-6592 (dorm.)
+AD4- +AD4-HP: 011-9820-0688
+AD4- +AD4-ICQ: 24731319
+AD4- +AD4-Homepage: http://cds.icu.ac.kr/
+AD4- +AD4-----------------------------------------------------------
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4------Original Message-----
+AD4- +AD4-From: owner-idn+AEA-ops.ietf.org +AFs-mailto:owner-idn+AEA-ops.ietf.org+AF0-On Behalf Of
+AD4- Deuk-Kul Jang
+AD4- +AD4-Sent: Thursday, July 06, 2000 5:47 PM
+AD4- +AD4-To: James Seng+ADs- Marc Blanchet+ADs- idn mailing list
+AD4- +AD4-Subject: +AFs-idn+AF0- Proposal for creation of new gTLD for IDN
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-Hallelujah    Hallelujah    Hallelujah
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-This proposal is concerning an Internet Draft for an encoding for IDN
+AD4- +AD4-(http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-dkjang-idn-00.txt), that
+AD4- +AD4-represent a method for internationalized domain name as below.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4--------------------------------
+AD4- +AD4-     When a multilingual domain name is converted to the traditional one.
+AD4- +AD4-     1. The 'multilingual key' is included automatically in converted
+AD4- names.
+AD4- +AD4-     2. The 'language key' is included automatically in the converted
+AD4- +AD4-names.
+AD4- +AD4-     3. All characters are replaced by 'character substitutes'.
+AD4- +AD4-     4. The top level domains are directly translated by the conversion
+AD4- +AD4-program.
+AD4- +AD4--------------------------------
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-Only for IDN, if new gTLDs, such as '.icom'(or .ico) .'inet'(or 
+AD4- .ine) ----,
+AD4- +AD4-can be created, then new gTLDs will be the 'multilingual key' of No1 by
+AD4- +AD4-itself.
+AD4- +AD4-Consequently, it is no use to include a multilingual key into a converted
+AD4- +AD4-domain name.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-For example, a Korean language domain name of
+AD4- +AD4-'0xb300/0xd55c/0xbbfc/0xad5d/.0xd68c/0xc0ac/' will be encoded to
+AD4- +AD4-'kr2ds96445y1a5.icom' without multilingual key 'z-', instead of
+AD4- +AD4-'z-kr2ds96445y1a5.com'.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-And if cc2LDs(country code 2nd level domain) can be used, such as
+AD4- '.kr.icom'
+AD4- +AD4-'.jp.icom' ----,  then cc2LD will be the language key by itself too.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-Finally, the example will be encoded to '2ds96445y1a5.kr.icom'.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-P.S.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-For IDN, if cc2LD happen to be available under current gTLD, such as
+AD4- +AD4-'.kr.com' '.jp.com' ----, the cc2LD can be the multilingual key and the
+AD4- +AD4-language key simultaneously.
+AD4- +AD4-Then, we can launch IDN immediately without creating new gTLD.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-sincerely yours.
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-Deuk-Kul Jang
+AD4- +AD4-dkjang+AEA-smind.co.kr
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-
+AD4- +AD4-