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Re: [idn] Proposal for creation of new gTLD for IDN

hallelujah    hallelujah    hallelujah

Dear Mr. Paul Hoffman

+AD4APg-Back on the basic of Jang's proposal. One of the merits Jang bring to
+AD4APg-the table is that his encoding format are more compact. The reason it is
+AD4APg-able to be smaller because it makes certain presumation on the domain
+AD4APg-names, namely, you dont mix different language in a single label.
+AD4-Do you mean +ACI-language+ACI- or +ACI-script+ACI- here? Many languages are
+AD4-represented in multiple scripts. Japanese, for example, is
+AD4-represented in three scripts: katakana, hiragana, and kanji (Han). I
+AD4-think it would be unfair to the Japanese (and to others who are in
+AD4-the same position) to say that they could only use a single script in
+AD4-the entire domain name, much less in a single name part. Many
+AD4-Japanese company names use a combination of katakana/hiragana plus
+AD4-kanji. Similarly, many company names in other languages use ASCII
+AD4-digits in their names.

Right, even in Korea some persons want use chinese characters or english
together with korean. But I think you have misunderstood my draft.
I would like to show you an example In case of Korean,
We use Korean and chinese, English and digit.
In other words Korean language composed of them all in writing.(in my
All number of chacters are 11,172 of korean(wansung) and 26 of alphabet, 10
of digit, about 20,000 of chinese.
Language of around 31,000 characters belongs to section 5.2.1. and
of draft(
So digits (0-9) and alphabets (a-z) are assigned to 00-09 and 0a-0z of the
'sequence of 36 characters'. A hyphen is used as it is.
Korean characters are assigned to 100-9mb of the 'sequence of 36
characters', and chinese characters are assigned to rest 9mc-.

+AD4APg-  It
+AD4APg-furthers compact it by using a base36 rather than the commonly used
+AD4-A huge 10+ACU- increase in name length...

What about characters outside the first plane of characters.
In that case around 200+ACU- I think.
Have I misunderstood?