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Re: [idn] host name vs. domain name

On Mar 14, Karlsson Kent - keka <keka@im.se> wrote:

 >Let me note again that CIDNUC and such are unacceptable, since
 >they are reencodings into ASCII that turn (for some people)
 >understandable names into complete gibberish, and given the QP
 >(and BASE64 for text) experience I have no optimism of having
 >that gibberish properly decoded whenever presented to a user.
If old software can't decode CIDNUC, it can't decode UTF-8 either.
If CIDNUC or a similar encoding scheme will be used, users with obsolete
clients will not be able to read the "real" domain, but there will not
be any interoperability problem among updated and old software.

Maybe a CIDNUC encoded domain is gibberish, but it's a kind of gibberish
I can easily type and display on a characters cell terminal.
