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Re: [idn] Re: IDN Charter

% Anyway, so what is should we do now? Proceed with IESG's or Dan's?
% -James Seng

	Do we want the imprinture of IETF on the IDN work or not?
	If we don't care about getting this work aligned with other
	DNS work, then we don't need an IETF wg, this mailing list
	or the thrill of crafting protocols in the IETF manner.
	Or, we can accept that the IESG places this restriction on
	what they will approve. I think it is reasonable to do what
	we can to meet the IESG criteria and then, if there is 
	agreement to document what would be a consensus position
	on enhancements that are -not- backward compatible, that might 
	be the "right" thing to do.  

	Other efforts have had to deal w/ the concept of breaking 
	backward compatability, ranging from the introduction of new
	RR types to eDNS.  We can do this with the IESG constraints.
