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Re: An argument against multiple character sets

Patrik Fältström wrote:
> What I am nervous about is the previous discussions whether it is a
> requirement to define issues like case sensitivity, canonilization etc, and
> my answer is definitely yes. This because of the impact on registration
> issues, because domain names have to be "unique" in a zone at time of
> registration. Because of that, the rules for equality have to be known at
> the time of registration, and IF the rules changes, it might have
> "interesting" impact on already registered domainnames (as we have seen in
> the previous examples of "ibM.com" equal or not to "IBM.com", extrapolated
> into equality of "ä" with "a" followed by combining "M").
> Is there some consensus even on what the requirement is?

I think there are some consensus but there are definately a lot more work to
do before we can submit anything, *if* we can submit anything in the first
place since we are not even offical yet :P

-James Seng