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Re: Warning (elmo): Please set `wl-message-id-domain' to get valid Message-ID string.

On Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:22:38 -0800, Erik Hetzner wrote:
> What I do is set `wl-insert-message-id' to nil and let my SMTP server
> handle it.

I tried that, but it's the same result.

On Wed, 04 Mar 2015 21:31:32 +0900, Kazuhiro Ito wrote:
> If you don't modify wl-message-id-function, wl-message-id-use-message-from
> nor wl-message-id-use-wl-from and wl-from is appropriately set, you don't
> need to set wl-message-id-domain.
> Please evaluate the below code on your computers after starting Wanderlust
> and confirm differences between your computers.
> (list wl-insert-message-id
>       wl-message-id-function
>       wl-message-id-use-message-from
>       wl-from)

The first three are t, wl-draft-make-message-id-string, and t.  Only wl-from
differs on the two machines.

I think perhaps the problem is that I tried to set up two mail accounts,
following the directions here: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/WlMultipleAccounts.
It sort of works when I reply to emails, but not when I try to compose a new
message -- wl-from is set to some nonsensical string (different on my two
machines).  I've been meaning to look into this and post here some questions.

It seems the directions on EmacsWiki do not set wl-from correctly for new
messages.  But now I'm not sure where the initial value of wl-from comes
from.  Or how this is related to the wl-message-id-domain problem...
