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Re: Draft cursor position

Richard Lewis wrote:
>At Tue, 13 Apr 2010 16:58:57 +0100,
>Richard Lewis wrote:
>> Is there a hook in wl which gets called when, in draft-mode, the
>> cursor moves above or below the "--text follows this line--" marker?
>Nevermind, I've written my own:

>I expect there's probably an existing solution to this.

>Basically, all I was trying to achieve was to be able to enable
>flyspell-mode when in the body of a wl-draft-mode buffer, and disable
>it when I'm in the headers section. This prevents flyspell-mode from
>clobbering the bbdb completion keybinding.

Hah!  I was just looking how to disable flyspell M-TAB completion at
all to achive the same and there is a simpler solution:


(defadvice flyspell-auto-correct-word (around rather-bbdb-complete-name activate)
  (when (and (interactive-p)
	     (eq major-mode 'mime-edit-mode)
	     (<= (point) (mail-header-end)))

  -- David
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