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Re: draft-ietf-v6ops-addr-select-ps-02

Hi Ron,

sorry for my late reply.
We were in the new year holiday :)

Ron Bonica wrote:

The following are a few questions on draft-ietf-v6ops-addr-select-ps-02:

1) Do the authors want to publish this document as INFORMATIONAL or PS.
The tracker says INFORMATIONAL but the document says PS. I recommend

I'm sorry I mistakenly put it back to std category.
Intended status is INFORMATIONAL.
I'll correct it when the draft needs update.

2) Does Section 2.1.7 belong in the document? The rest of Section 2.1
talks about specific routing and forwarding problems. Section 2.1.7
talks about semantic(?) issues.

In terms of address selection, temporary address and global address
selection is one of the problems that should be included in this
document, I think.

As other problem cases focus on a specific problem examples, they have figures and they look very concrete.
Regarding 2.1.7 we didn't pick up a specific problem example.
That might be the reason it looked rather semantic.

If it helps, I'll make it more concrete by focusing on a specific
problematic case.

Kindest regards,

Arifumi Matsumoto
   IP Technology Expert Team
   Secure Communication Project
   NTT Information Sharing Platform Laboratories
   E-mail: arifumi@nttv6.net