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A new requirements^Wobjectives draft


After todays SMING WG session, I've done some minor edits to the
requirements draft and put it onto the web page at 
http://www.ibr.cs.tu-bs.de/projects/sming/ as a new snapshot along
with diff's against the 03 version.

- The term `requirement' has been replaced by `objective', as hummed
  during today's meeting.

- It has been clearified what accepted and nice-to-have means and
  that accepted objectives might have to be weighed in cases where
  they contradict later on.

- A few typos have been fixed.

- For the last change, I'm sorry that it comes out this late:
  I propose to add another requirement that we already imply by
  the charter but that needs to be described closer and motivated,
  since it is quite important, at least in my opinion:

+4.1.46 Separate Information Modelling from Management Protocol Mapping
+   Type: new
+   From: NMRG
+   Description: It should be possible to separate the domain specific
+      information modelling work on MIBs from the network management
+      protocol specific work.
+   Motivation: Today, protocol designing working groups are forced to
+      care about the design of SNMP MIBs and maybe COPR-PR MIBs to
+      manage the entities of their subjects.  This means that experts in
+      a specific domain are faced with details of at least one foreign
+      (network management) technology.  This leads to hard work and long
+      revision processes.  It would be a win to separate the task of
+      pure information modelling which can be done by the domain experts
+      easily.  The mapping to SNMP and/or COPS-PR can be done (a) later
+      separately and (b) by network management experts.  This required
+      NM expertise no longer hinders the progress of the domain specific
+      working groups.
