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FW: NGNMFG liaison to IETF

FYI and possible comments/follow up.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Sidor [mailto:djsidor@nortel.com]
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2005 08:05
To: *Wijnen, Bert
Cc: *IETF, liaison statements; *Mak, Leen
Subject: NGNMFG liaison to IETF


Attached is a liaison from the NGNMFG regarding harmonization.


ASCII Text copied from attached Word document.

NGN ManagementFocus Group	NGNMFG-OD-009
		Montreal, 27-28 July 2005
Source:	NGN Management Focus Group
Title:	Liaison Statement to ITU-T Q. 9/4 regarding management
            specification harmonization (copy to ITU-T SG15 (Q.14),
            TeleManagement Forum, ETSI TISPAN WG8, 3GPP SA5, 3GPP2
            TSG-S WG5, ATIS TMOC, and IETF O&M Area)

The NGN Management Focus Group has noted the SG 4 liaison proposing
management specification harmonization and supports efforts to 
achieve it. The NGNMFG has also noted or is aware of the positive 
responses from ATIS TMOC and ETSI TISPAN WG8 and the encouraging 
NGN architecture harmonization initiative involving participants 
TISPAN, the TeleManagement Forum, SG 4, and 3GPP SA5. We also note 
the concern expressed by the 3GPP SA5 regarding the meaning of the 
term "harmonization" and, though the SG4 liaison did suggest 
specific harmonization activities, we agree greater specificity 
would be helpful.
The architectural harmonization initiative meeting held earlier 
this week worked from a definition which considered two levels 
of harmonization: elimination of contradictions between 
specifications, and evolution to one common specification.
As a result of the related liaisons and internal discussions, 
the NGNMFG has expanded its analysis of management specifications 
proposed for inclusion in its NGN Management Roadmap to identify 
harmonization issues among specifications and to promote the 
resolution of any identified harmonization issues by the "owning" 
In conclusion, we support your harmonization efforts and ask you 
to keep us informed about your progress. We have also encouraged 
our participants to contribute to your work.

Attachment: NGNMFG-OD-009_LS_to_SG4_re_harmonization.doc
Description: MS-Word document