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namespace and schema

New to the list..

The draft says that the following is legal:

<rpc xmlns="http://ietf.org/xmlconf/1.0/base";>

         <config xmlns="http://hohoho.com"/>


The schema defines the config element
of type xc:config-inlineType. I've tried parsing
this with SAX2 and JAXB and it doesn't like
the config element from the wrong namespace.

It would be nice if the schemas could be
fed into standard validating parsers.

The above would not work but this is OK:

<rpc xmlns="http://ietf.org/xmlconf/1.0/base";>

         <ho:config xmlns:ho="http://hohoho.com"/>


I'm not a schema wizard so I'm not sure what
the right approach is here..



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