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RE: [idn] NSI Multilingual Testbed Information (fwd)

At 07.11 -0400 00-08-25, Hollenbeck, Scott wrote:
>We fully intend to keep the test bed in synch with this group's efforts.  If
>something other than RACE encoding is what eventually becomes a proposed
>standard, we'll change the test bed to keep up.

The problem is definitly not the encoding. The problem has to do with 
the question of what is "equal".

Today "foo.com" and "FOO.com" are equal.

For international domainnames, the IDN wg is not even close to know 
what is equal or not, so it will most certainly be a risk for anyone 
deploying internationalized domainnames.

I.e. if users A and B register two domainnames which today according 
to whatever rules are _NOT_ equal, and the IDN wg decide that they 
later should be treated as the same. Do you, Scott, call A or B and 
tell that user that he can no longer have his domainname? Which one 
do you call?
