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RE: [idn] NSI Multilingual Testbed Information (fwd)

	There are several ways to provide "multilingual" capabilities
	and many TLD registrars have selected a methodology. Why
	pick on this one when NU, CN, JP, KR, et.al. have followed
	similar paths.  Just because a method is not an IETF 
	"approved technical specification" does not mean that it
	is not defined.


All the TLD registrars agree that IETF is the best place to define
IDN standard, at least I know CN, JP, KR and TW agree to adopt
IETF specification when things are available. Even the technology which
developed by the TLD registrars is changing. From TLD registrars'
point of view, they are exploring the IDN possibility  through limited
resources, budge...etc,. It's difficult to say whether this kind of 
exploration has defined the technology. 

Kenny Huang

JET (Joint Engineering Team)