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Re: [idn] UTC feedback

> In the case of (b) for example, French users may be accustomed to either
> having accents or not in uppercase. Yet in other languages, the 
> distinction between accented letters must be maintained -- folding 
> them would be like folding all vowels to E in all English words. 
> An acceptable work-around is to register both the name with all 
> accents and the name with none.

wow.  everything else from the UTC sounded entirely sound to me ..
perhaps not the absolute perfect answer, but close.

but this notion of an acceptable work-around seems like a stretch.

seems like we really want to avoid the case where a name with accents 
and the same name without accents can diverge (in languages where they
really are accents and not completely different letters) and eventually 
be assigned to different parties, or one gets updated without the other, 
