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Re: [idn] mDNkit/JPNIC 1.0 public beta released


> Do you have an Internet-Draft stating how this thing works? I.e. as 
> the wg chairs have requested, all proposals have to exist as 
> Internet-Drafts to be able to be evaluated.

All of our mDNkit are based on implementation of "already released" drafts.
(e.g. UTF-5, RACE, ...)

> I would like to read the spec for your system.

Overview of our kit and brief description of our MDN library (libmdn)
are available in our source distribution, these are written in English.
You can get our distributions on these URLs:

 (mDNkit source distribution)

The specification of our kit is also available as HTML documentation
distibution, but currently these documents are written in Japanese only.
But some figures are written in English, so you can see these figures
on these URLs:

 (mDNkit documents distribution)

 (online version of mDNkit spec)

 (online version of mDNkit user's guide)

Yasuhiro 'Orange' Morishita, Technology Research Section
Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC)
E-Mail: yasuhiro@nic.ad.jp