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Re: [idn] case folding

On Tue, 30 May 2000, James Seng wrote:

| >   Perhaps this should come down to two separate issues:  the protocol, and
| > convention of use.  The protocol should say something like "For backward
| > compatibility case-folding is supported for names in the character set
| > supported in the original versions of the proctocol.  Case folding however
| > is not supported for other character sets."
| It is an idea for a protocol. Would you have the time to write an I-D
| and describe how all the different aspect of name matching fitting
| into your idea? I am very interested to see how we can resolve this
| problem without resorting to canonicalization & foldings.

  I'd very much be interested in participating in this effort in whatever
way I can.  When you say "an idea for _a_ protocol" are you implying that
my suggestion requires a new protocol, or are you saying instead that this
is one potential IDNS among many, and that this particular IDNS protocol
would need some fleshing out in its implications, and you'd like to see
those implications fleshed out in an I-D?

  In any case, what are the timelines here?  The IETF meeting is at the
end of July, yet the WG page at ietf.org provides a goal of June, 2000 as
the "IETF Presentation and WG last call".  Is this WG focused on the IETF
meeting as the deadline for getting something ready to present and move
forward with?

  James, perhaps we can chat offline a little bit?  I'd like to pick your
brain a bit about how this process works, where its going, etc.

  BTW, a friend who lurks in this WG mentioned that I forgot to introduce
myself.  I've been working in UNIX and Internet computing for the past
nine years, and have worked for ANS now UUNET since 1995 doing various
information systems, operations support, and network management systems
work.  I recently resigned from UUNET and have joined WALID
(www.walid.com), a domain name registrar here in Ann Arbor, MI.  

  I read my mail with pine and edit text with vi, so I'm not sure where
that puts me in the geek hierarchy these days. :-)


 Brian W. Spolarich - Ann Arbor, MI - briansp@acm.org - www.acm.org/~briansp/
        "Wickedness is a myth invented by good people to account for
            the curious attractiveness of others." - Oscar Wilde