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Re: [idn] Requirements I-D

At 20:59 15-05-00 , A. Vine wrote:

>Maybe but how do you fold A? to a? or a with grave accent? Which is the 
>I don't know the anwer to that, I'm just posing a question.

One way is to do this in the manner specified by another group.  For example,
UNICODE has a standard set of procedures for canonicalisation that would
cover this situation.  My point was simply that we need a single method,
independent of the details of that method, for canonicalisation of DNS names.

>Nope. no proposals.  Only thinking what a can of worms that could be.  It 
>may be
>that this is not as difficult as it looks. I am an I18n architect, not a
>doctor^H^H^H^H^H^H DNS engineer.  This just looks potentially controversial.

As near as I can tell, EVERYTHING relating to the DNS is "potentially
controversial".  However, we need to move forward rapidly and make headway
so that a multi-lingual DNS that is globally interoperable can be deployed.
IMHO, we can't be shy in this situation.
