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Re: [idn] Requirements I-D

RJ Atkinson wrote:
> At 20:08 15-05-00 , A. Vine wrote:
> >While I understand your desire to make case-folding locale-independent, I
> >recommend you consider a couple of issues. 1. Case-folding in a
> >real-world-language usage sense is _not_ locale independent, which means
> >that 2.
> >no matter what standard chart of case folding you come up, _including_ the
> >existing ASCII case-folding, you will leave several languages/locales with
> >incorrect folding.  In addition to potentially causing problems and
> >confusion in
> >the domain naming world, it will also serve to annoy people, committees, and
> >national standards bodies from various parts of the world.
> I think I do understand the issues here as that matter arises within the set
> of languages that I speak/read.  DNS is NOT a text-processing situation
> where case-folding really must be locale-dependent to behave correctly.

Yes, I understand that.

> Rather this is a case where case-folding is not involved with text processing,
> merely with the uniqueness of a Domain Name/Hostname.  In such a situation,
> the locale-dependent attributes are not adversely affected to the same extent
> (not even nearly to the same extent) as in a text-processing context.

Maybe but how do you fold A? to a? or a with grave accent? Which is the match? 
I don't know the anwer to that, I'm just posing a question.

> Doing case-folding in a locale-dependent way cannot be interoperable globally,
> so that is a non-starter on backwards-compatibility and interoperability
> grounds,
> so I don't see that we really have a choice here, to be honest.
> If you have a specific counter-proposal, including explanation of why that
> proposal is interoperable globally and fully backwards compatible, please
> outline it here or (better) in an I-D.

Nope. no proposals.  Only thinking what a can of worms that could be.  It may be
that this is not as difficult as it looks. I am an I18n architect, not a
doctor^H^H^H^H^H^H DNS engineer.  This just looks potentially controversial.