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Re: [idn] host name vs. domain name

> But these internationalised names would primarily be
> intended for people that *can* read an write them. 

Another aspect of this discussion is the whole question of the in-addr.arpa
tree.  By using UTF-8 names, it becomes "a bit" more challenging to try to
interpret log files, traceroute output, etc.  I am not sure this is of
critical importance, but it is something that should be taken into

> Hmm, I though the point with the TESes (like CIDNUC) would be that they
> primarily was used between client and server, and were preferably not 
> seen by the "end user".

I suspect this may be true, however the ability to use TESes does, at least,
provide a more general solution that can be used by those without the
appropriate input methods and/or the explicit setting up of aliases.

> the IP number "name" would be just as good as the second name here 
> (though maybe somewhat less permanent).

This is a bad idea.  IP addresses really need to be treated as transient
entities and should not be advertised as an identity.
